
About Nadia Aly

Nadia Aly is an award winning Underwater & Wildlife Photographer & Content Creator.
She has been filming underwater for over 10 years. She also runs numerous snorkel & dive expeditions around the world.

Nadia Aly


Nadia Aly is an award-winning wildlife photographer, & filmmaker with a focus on underwater marine life.

She left her corporate job in 2012, to travel and dive around the world.

Her primary goal is to educate people globally, about the diverse populations of sea creatures that exist in our oceans.

She captures their beauty and uniqueness with her camera and then publishes these photographs and videos. She does this in an effort to raise awareness and interest in supporting efforts to conserve our oceans and their inhabitants.


What people are saying

See what other students are saying!


"I can't believe there is finally an underwater photography course. I am very happy with this course, and have greatly improved my skills."

Kendra James

"This"course is great, most sections are short and to the point. The editing session are much longer, and easy to follow along. I have applied a lot of these editing tricks to my current photography, and I am really happy with the style I am starting to develop"

Kari Mehl

"There really isn't much else out there online for underwater photography in terms of a course, I am very happy with this one. Nadia's work is amazing, and I can only hope to get my work to the same level one day. There are numerous things that I have picked up on in this course, that has already, without diving, helped my improve!"

Natalie Ritcher

" I have not finished the course yet, but just the few things I have picked up so far are worth it! "

Keagan Hall

"Love love love this course! Thanks so much Nadia! I love that you keep adding modules in when you can! I can't wait to go diving and take more pics!"

Lindsay Strotman

" Nadia is my favorite underwater photographer and I was so excited when she released this course. I am a total beginner and just have a GoPro. I since have watched the course, picked up an Olympus TG6 and am now saving up for the Canon R6! This course has taught me so much!"

Robert Keynton